MLMM Wordle #224 – Illusions of Grandeur

The Words: My Submission 🙂 It was the weekend he had been waiting for. He was old, but at the top of his game, a master at his craft. The audience couldn’t even prepare for the feat he was about to unfold. Magic had been his life since childhood, unveiling moments of splendor, an inextricable... Continue Reading →

MLMM Wordle #220 – Giving Back

To read other submissions or join in yourself, please visit, Here are the words: My Submission 🙂 I shiver, noticing your frosty stare from across the snuggery. You sip a mug of what you call hot cocoa, but I know you better than that...ten-percent cocoa, ninety-percent Baileys.  Your face is turning redder than that... Continue Reading →

Haunted House

You can find the original link below 🙂 This was inspired by the word prompts, Scary campfire stories are the best. Unfortunately, my latest is true. If you dare, tuck up and listen in. Otherwise, get me some more popcorn. It began on a day like any other. I was painting the spare room of... Continue Reading →

Just Desserts

He was doughty in his pursuit. Not surprising, after all, I am the princess. Many suitors have attempted to win my heart, but I am modest. I’ve always seen myself as an equal, relating more to those residing in the town than my own haughty family. I am not just some motif, a decoration for... Continue Reading →

Shouldn’t have Alasked you to come

They stood directly on a fault line, just as the ground began to shutter and roar. “What do we do?” she cried. “Please, tell me this is a figment of my imagination.” He shook his head, “Unfortunately, no. Just as predicted, the ground is about to split, and we’re at the center of it.” “I... Continue Reading →


I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel So many missed opportunities  But, that’s what I get for marrying young And for all the wrong reasons. Now, I’m branching out But, times have changed since I last dated Less compassion for a forty-something with three children. Potential prospects wonder, what is wrong with me What did... Continue Reading →

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