MLMM Wordle #220 – Giving Back

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Here are the words:

My Submission 🙂

I shiver, noticing your frosty stare from across the snuggery. You sip a mug of what you call hot cocoa, but I know you better than that…ten-percent cocoa, ninety-percent Baileys. 

Your face is turning redder than that wrapping paper under the fake evergreen tree with the plastic star. Not that I blame you. You saw me kiss her under the mistletoe. It didn’t mean anything, though. Just distributing alms to those less fortunate. She was in tears by the fireplace, sobbing into her mittens

You’re sobbing now too, but come on… I was just trying to do a good Christmas deed! How does the saying go… take from the rich to give to the poor?

Oh, wait. Wrong story.

10 thoughts on “MLMM Wordle #220 – Giving Back

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  1. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors, you will be great! Life is filled with unexpected adventures. As you continue to move on in life and face new events, adventures, and challenges, we all wish you the best of luck. Good luck to you as you continue to learn and grow as an adult.
    I wish you the very best merry Christmas 🎄🌹

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