Tuesday Writing Prompt, June 15/21 – Beauty Was in the Eye

Please visit the link for the original challenge, https://godoggocafe.com/2021/06/15/tuesday-writing-prompt-challenge-june-15-2021/ Today’s prompt - Heaven in her eyes My Submission: When she smiled, her eyes shrunk to slits. Yet, they still managed to illuminate a room.  They lit my heart on fire on our first date.  Every time she smiled, I smiled. I couldn’t help it. That... Continue Reading →

MLMM Wordle #244 – Free Spirit

For the original challenge, please visit, https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2021/06/07/wordle-244/ The Words: My Submission 🙂 Caution was not a word in her vocabulary. She was unapologetically herself, regardless of naysayers. Her voice consisted of kindness, laughter, and self-love, And that was enough to hold her head up high. She did not require liquor to exhibit her truth. Waves... Continue Reading →

MLMM Wordle #242 – Mr. Roboto

The Words: My Submission 🙂 Remote Seduction is how it was defined; A secure way to enjoy a bit of adult pleasure in a world ravaged by a pandemic. She had been single for a while, and dating was out of the picture considering all of the restrictions. “Remain within your bubble.” A potential mate,... Continue Reading →

First Line Friday, May 21/21 – The Ritual

It is First Line Friday! Welcome, and let’s get writing 🙂 Include the first line, of course! Tag it Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Fridays, and Short Fiction. Create a link (ping-back) to this post and add your link to Mister Linky, https://mindlovemiserysmenagerie.wordpress.com/2021/05/21/first-line-friday-may-21-2021/ Today's line: "A perfectly brewed cup of tea can't fix everything" My Submission 🙂 A... Continue Reading →

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