Just Desserts

He was doughty in his pursuit. Not surprising, after all, I am the princess. Many suitors have attempted to win my heart, but I am modest. I’ve always seen myself as an equal, relating more to those residing in the town than my own haughty family. I am not just some motif, a decoration for one’s arm. 

But, this man…he made me feel special, truly loved, and appreciated for my modesty. Unfortunately, I gobbled his garbage like it was the king’s feast. His sweet vapor quickly soured when he stopped wooing me, and began parading me around town like a prized pony. 

His ornamental display served him well, however. The moment I informed my father, the king, of his doings, he offered him a permanent job in the castle…tending to the swine, and sleeping with them as well.  

Inspired by the word prompts,




Ornamental, Modest, Equal





Word of the day challenge;



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