MLMM Wordle #240 – Manning Up

The Words:

My Submission 🙂

The wind shapes her screams to a muffled drone. 


It will be easy to obnubilate her upset, and hopefully keep the naysayers away.

Many don’t understand, 

They just don’t get it.

Living in an apartment, the return I receive is nonesuch,

Which is why I take her to the park.

The majority of men shoot me a greasy and somewhat confused gaze,

While most women float by with looks of condolence and compassion.

They seem to get it.

My baby is shirtless

It’s nearly 100 degrees out!

She’s crying…

But, she’s tired, maybe hungry?

I don’t know.

I’m just a recently single dad,

Doing my best. 

For the original challenge, please visit,

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