Sunday Writing Prompt – Reasons for Admission

This is the prompt I posted on Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie,

Despite my excitement to read what others came up with, I couldn’t help but submit my own take! The list is fair for a few reasons, but absolutely ridiculous for others. The one that struck me and inspired my post was, “LAZINESS”. As a mom of two little boys, I know how hard it is it to keep up with them, whilst cleaning the house, and making myself appear presentable. (Ignore what’s circled as it was that way when I found it)

My Submission:

I was tired. I have three young children and a husband who works.

When he arrived home, he complained about toys on the floor, a few dishes in the sink, the fact he had to wait twenty-minutes for his piping hot dinner. 

True, I neglected a few things to appear the “perfect wife”, as he demands. My hair was curled and pinned, my cheeks were rosy, and my lips were lined. I wore one of my finest dresses, but all he saw were the toys, dishes, and dinner not ready on the table.

I’ve been admitted to this Insane Asylum on the grounds of, “Laziness”.

Before you secure me to a cot and pump me full of medication, might I request the tables be turned?   

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