Who am I?

My hair has been long and short, blond and brown. I have been fit and fluffy, a social butterfly and a hermit.

I watch movies like they’re going out of style, from murder mysteries to thrillers, science fiction and any flick featuring Will Ferrell. Sign me up! He’s always good for a laugh.

I have highs and lows, ups and downs, and moments that spin my head round and round.

I have a great sense of humor and find myself pretty hilarious. Confidence is key, yes? Not to say I don’t struggle. I’m still human.

My passion is writing…can’t go a day without it. But, my priority are my two young boys. They give my life purpose, and I wouldn’t trade their chaos for anything in the world.

Charlie and Liam…my LOVES

My blog is not intended to be specific, rather a specific rendition of the good, bad, ugly and lighthearted…life, as I know it.

“Your voice, your choice.”

A loose quote from my mother, who encouraged me to take this blogging journey. Initially, I felt pressure…I need to fit a mold so my blog is successful. Don’t get me wrong. I am not expecting “success” in any way shape or form. I just love to write, and as it turns out, blogging is the perfect avenue.


Although I have my own point of view, I welcome others with a completely open heart and mind.

I hope these glimpses into my world will offer a brief reprieve from yours…if so required.

My name is Sara, and I encourage you to get comfortable, kick up your feet, and Relax, It’s all Write.

32 thoughts on “Who am I?

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  1. Hi Sara, I love everything about “Who am I.” It really shows your personality and your writing voice. You share how you are passionate about two major loves in your life. Your family and your writing. Your two little LOVES, Charlie and Liam are adorable!

    I feel you have always had a unique, witty take on life’s ups and downs. I believe your opinions, your challenges and your humour will resonate with many people. Your stories are very entertaining. Welcome! I look forward to reading more.❤️ Erica

    Liked by 2 people

  2. An honourable mention goes out to your partner Josh. With his love and support you are able to be yourself, unhinged and unfettered. I look forward to your revelations.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Nice to meet you Sara, two littlies is a huge job … impressed you have time to blog!

    I also am eclectic and blog a huge variety of posts … I think others read when we are genuine no matter the topic so go for it 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I appreciate you saying this. What I initially intended for my blog has flown by the wayside. But, I’m happy! To each their own. Having two littles is definitely challenging, but I refuse to lose ME. Sure, my time writing is limited, but it’s quality…I think, anyway haha! Thank you for the support, Kate 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. you have the right attitude, you will survive then thrive! Just share what’s in your heart and if you do write about the struggles of parenting I am sure many will relate so don’t neglect that side of your life either 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Sara, best of luck with your new blog and just follow the wise words from your mother! 😀😀 I look forward to seeing what you choose to write about and I’m already taken with your clarity of writing and thoughts! Your two boys look adorable and no wonder they have your whole heart and more! BTW, I love the title of your blog … inspired and has me smiling! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Am so glad I came across your blog, you write so well. I really enjoy reading your daily posts. Keep writing.

    I really appreciate your gesture of following back. Thank You.

    Liked by 1 person

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