Why I Decided to Blog

I have written from as far back as I can remember; from poems and stories, to spilling my guts in private journals. Does that make me a writer? HECK YES IT DOES!!



I have been enthralled with writing since I was young. I accumulated notebooks galore. Nothing like a fresh notebook. Oh, the possibilitiesThe worlds I can create, the unique characters. I would jitter in excitement with every virgin page I cracked.

Early on I decided, “One day, I WILL be a published author.” But, it wasn’t until adulthood…meaning, twenty-three-years old…that I started taking it seriously.

I began a novel; a young adult fantasy. Toiled day and night, wrote my fingers raw. My hand moved so fast, it could barely keep up with the ideas pouring out my brain. My fingers cramped, but I loved every iota of discomfort. I was making progress.

I purchased a laptop. GAME CHANGER.

Suddenly, I could write for longer periods of time, and I could EDIT!! That really set things in motion. I started a number of novels, from fantasy to thrillers, children’s books, and ones I still have yet to categorize.


Life was good. I was motivated and excited. Then…tragedy struck.

My beloved computer crashed and I lost four-hundred pages of work. You read that right…PAGES. Three-hundred were from my YA fantasy…my baby, my obsession.

*Insert, sad face*

YEARS of work, gone in the brief blink of my computer screen. Immediately, I was knocked off my high horse. I attempted to re-write, but it wasn’t the same. After weeks of frustration, I took a well-needed breather.


Six-months passed (had a human baby in the meantime who kept me plenty busy) before my computer saw the light of day. But, instead of working on what I lost, I decided to try something else. I began a new style of story, and something just clicked. I wrote and wrote until I finished my first draft. SUCCESS!!

Research began on how to publish a novel. So…many…questions.

Anyone who has published a book will assure you, the process is not black and white. Do I self-publish or go the traditional route? Should I hire an agent, how much does an editor cost, how do I market, should I social network? What is a beta reader, what’s the difference between a blurb and synopsis, how do I write a standout query letter? And, most importantly, Is my work even good enough TO publish?

Enough to make your head spin straight off your neck.

I joined some online writing groups and learned a lot. I found a few beta readers to read over my draft and offer feedback. While a lot was positive, I did receive some (harsh?) critique. After the block of beta readers, I realized I had loads of work ahead.

I was tired. I had been working on that draft for months, having written, re-written, and edited my heart out. And when I FINALLY felt I had an acceptable product, worthy of professional editing…boom…reality check.

Enter…well, now. I haven’t touched that story since. I was overwhelmed with the thought of all the work still ahead, and decided to take another break. Magic the first time, why not again? Probably best to step back for a bit, at least until my motivation resets.


My parents are fully aware of my trials and tribulations with writing, and have supported me throughout.

My mom (who I’m pretty sure I get my passion for writing from) started a blog, http://behindthesceneryphoto.com

My beautiful mom and I

Every so often, she would send me a link to her latest post. I loved reading them…creative, vibrant, heartwarming and funny. The replies she received were always supportive and encouraging. She gained loyal followers and friends from the blogging community. My mom would rave about how much she enjoyed blogging, and one day, gently suggested it might be something I would enjoy.

“It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just give it your voice and personality.”

I hadn’t thought about it before. Blogging had never been on my radar. I barely knew what a blog was.

I thought about it. Rolled it around my brain for a few weeks, and finally decided to give it a shot.



Me, behind a waterfall (foss) in Iceland

This post is my maiden voyage. How am I doing so far? I’m having fun, that’s for sure! And it’s a nice change of pace from the commitment of a full-length novel.

I have a lot of ideas of what to write. As a mother to a toddler and newborn, they make for some interesting and oftentimes hilarious stories, not to mention my travels, plethora of pets, relationships, and general day-to-day moments that a simple Facebook post doesn’t quite express.

I still intend to publish a novel. But for now, I will take pride in the fact that I am actively pursuing my passion. I may not be an “author” (yet) but,


Credits: Cartoon by pch.vector – www.freepik.com

25 thoughts on “Why I Decided to Blog

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  1. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Blogging is writing no matter what some “others” might say. Loosing 400 pages is tough, but the re-write will be better in the long run…at least that is all you can believe.

    I will leave you with this bit of advice from a book I am reading by Austin Kleon that makes me think a bit differently than some do about blogging.

    “If you share work online, try to ignore the numbers at least every once in a while. Increase the time between your sharing and receiving feedback. Post something and don’t check the response for a week. Turn off the analytics for your blog and write about whatever you want. Download a browser plug-in that makes the numbers disappear from social media.”

    I know from past experience that following the numbers and the appeal of potential side income is strong. However, feed your soul and let the Muses find you, if you are meant to make money from your writing you will, but I believe you will be happier, if you resist the pull of “I too can monetize my blog? to not lure you into paths that are sometimes best untrod.

    Not trying to be a party pooper, because I can see you do have the ability to write well, you just have to find your Muse and your own voice. :-). It will be interesting to follow your journey to see where it leads you.

    Enjoy your blogging and write about the things you are passionate about, then smile when you press that publish key.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for this! I’m am definitely not concerned with making money through my writing. The simple statement, “I published a novel!” is all the reward I need. An item checked off my bucket list. In terms of not watching the statistics…that would be very difficult, but I’d be willing to try. I appreciate your support!


  2. I loved this post, Sara! Even after I got published, I doubted whether I was really a writer. Finally, I came to the conclusion if you write, you’re a writer. For several years, I wrote for my eyes only. Was I a writer back then? I believe I was…just a less stressed writer. Keep writing and blogging…it can open many doors. Something I suggest to any writer who would like to publish traditionally is to enter contests. If I hadn’t entered one on a whim in 2015, I wouldn’t be writing my sixth book. Put your work out there. Not everyone will like it, but all it takes it that one editor who likes your voice. I love that your mother is one of my favorite bloggers! What a beautiful photo. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, means a lot! I didn’t “reveal” I was writing till several years after I began. I felt I was coming out in public, naked, free for criticism and critique. I take it all in stride. Most importantly, I refuse to lose my voice. Even if that means never being picked up by an agent. Fine, I’ll just self-publish. I’m proud of my work and I feel it is writing worth reading. One day, I’ll figure it all out, but for now, I’m just happy being a writer! Contests are definitely on my radar. Just need to build the confidence first. Again, very appreciative of your support, of myself and my amazing mom!


  3. I never realized you had such a thing for writing until our Iceland trip. Every time we stopped you brought out you computer and went to work. The joy on your face and the calm that enveloped you relayed your passion. I am sure that blogging will give you a self actualizing outlet. I love your stories and appreciate the positive feedback this medium provides.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! I loved this so much, My Dear!! Such a delight to read!! Loved the way you gave us such a great guided tour!! Loved it! I love the feeling of finally getting to the point when you can admit to yourself but more importantly to the world that you are a writer – in my case a poet! So happy to have found you!!! 😁😍😊
    You might enjoy my “A Painter At Heart”!



    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m always happy to read and share words from great writers like you, My Dear!
        I am more than happy to help you with any questions/issues or concerns – ask away!
        Reblogging is very easy. Most blogs have a reblog button just to the left of the like button.
        So, when you read a post you love and would like to share with your followers just click on the reblog button. It will bring up a dialog box you can use to make a comment if you want but not required, then just click the reblog button at the bottom of the dialog box.
        This will post the post you just reblogged on your blog with a link back to the original blog.
        That’s it. You can try a poem or two of mine to test it out! LOL Just teasing – pick want tickles your Fancy!!


        Liked by 1 person

      2. I appreciate the info and the offer! I dabbled with a repost earlier today. Not sure if I did it right…meaning, will the original poster be notified, does my repost and comment show up on their page as well? I follow a few Word Prompt sites, and nobody responds with their own work in the comments. Everyone provides a “link”. Not sure how to do that. Again, new here. Thanks for taking me under your wing. And I’ll definitely reblog your work, once I know I’m doing it correctly lol

        Liked by 1 person

      3. When you reblog from the author’s page their post shows up on your blog as a new post that shows it is from the original author and provides a message at the bottom “View Original Post”. When someone clicks on that it takes them back to the author’s post. The author will receive a comment on the post you reblogged that shows you reblogged it. Your comment if you made one shows up on your blog with the reblog.

        On the prompts you can just copy the web address of your work and then make a reply and write a line of what you did and copy the web address link. Or you can do a pingback. WP has a tutorial on that. Hope that helps!

        Try reblogging the prompt page on your blog so your followers can see and maybe join in – as a test?

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Welcome to the blogging community Sara. You’re going to love the journey and I bet that one day you’ll publish that book too. Enjoy it all! Warmest wishes from Melbourne Australia. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

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